Aarhus University Seal

Deep Tech Experimental Hub


2.100 m2 Deep Tech Experimental Hub research facility of Department of Engineering

Since pre-industrial times, engineers have been frontrunners in the technological revolution. With solid technical insight and deep theoretical understanding, they have bridged the gap between research and real life: the DNA of engineering sciences. 

Experimental research is a critical element in the build-up of engineering sciences which is a major strategic focus for Aarhus University. That is why in 2019 we opened the 2,100 square metre Deep Tech Experimental Hub research facility that boasts state-of-the-art laboratories within the engineering disciplines: civil and architectural engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical and computer engineering.

The facility  contains one of the largest indoor drone cages in Denmark, robotic facilities, a climate lab, engineering maker spaces, experi­mental wind tunnel laboratories and a range of other labs and workplaces for research in smart products, con­struction and infrastructure, metamaterials, etc.

With the completion of these pilot-plant scale facilities, the Department of Engineering continues its journey towards the global elite of engineering universities, offering the very best education for the next generations of skilled Danish engineers within deep tech.


Peter Harling Lykke

Head of Workshops and laboratories